I sometimes think I study more about dubdom now than I did then.
If you had read more before, do you think you still would have signed up?
Triple A
i sometimes think i study more about dubdom now than i did then.
i found this piece.
I sometimes think I study more about dubdom now than I did then.
If you had read more before, do you think you still would have signed up?
Triple A
the watchtower bases its authority on the claim jehovah made an inspection of christianity around the years 1918/1919 and selected the bible students (now jehovah's witnesses).
ok....but other than making this claim (over and over and over again!
) what proof does the wt present that they were indeed selected?
The above link is a Review of the 1919 Trial of Joseph Franklin Rutherford. It is a work in prgress, but excellent insight with as far as they have gotten.
and this link proves it.......... http://www.skepticsannotatedbible.com/cruelty/long.html.
Yes, and according to the WT and my most recent elder/CO visit
threatening meencouraging me to come back to the Org I was given the old line of how I am sogullible and stupidspecial and privedged that Jehovah called me into hisabusive cultloving Organization and shook me out of the nations because I was something worthwhile. This got me to thinking later--now that my faith is totally destroyed by the Org to the point that I don't really believe in God anymore. Why if God called me and then kept me around for all those years did he reject me in the end? Why did he do the same to so many others who I knew over the years--some very good people have come into and then gone out of the Org over the years. If God has truly called us because he knew our hearts were so pure and good--did he make a mistake-can he really read our hearts afterall? In the end I committed no sin, but to practice unconditional love towards non-JW family and friends. If God is all loving and merciful why would he reject me for that??? Unless of course the WT God doesn't want us to practice unconditional love.....???
High lighted a few of your word. They are ones that call you to a man made organization. God calls you to His family, that is why Christians call Him Father.
I did not go through the organization and can only image the scars that it has left. But it is a great comfort to me to know that my God came as a substitute for my sins, because I can not live up to the law on my own.
Triple A
and this link proves it.......... http://www.skepticsannotatedbible.com/cruelty/long.html.
Animals were not supposed to have been eaten, even by other animals, before the flood. They all ate fruit and vegetables. (the babble doesn't say anything about them being forbidden from eating from the life and wisdom trees).If nobody, including animals, were not allowed to eat flesh, How did Abel knew which parts did big J like,
Where does the Bible say that Animals were not suppose to eat other animals before the flood. Noah was told that he could eat of every living thing. This does not mean that man was not allowed to eat any living thing before the flood? If we take this to mean that no living thing could be eaten before, than it would lead one to believe that every living thing would include man.
or why does he have this thing about killing the first born? Was big J beaten up by Moloch and develop a hatred for older brothers?
First born and/or first fruit is an indication of most favored. First born is not necessarly the first physical born or harvest.
The babble constantly mentions that the smell of burning flesh brings him to a state of rest. Maybe that is what he uses instead of marihuana or hash to mellow down.
I know lots of people that the first thing they will say when they get to a BBQ is, "Man, that sure smell good!" By the end they will be yawning to beat the band.
Triple A
watchtower dumbo plans released to brooklyn papers.
check out the four new towering apartment complexes brooklyn is getting ready to build on the dumbo property they own!.
Well, I wonder who is going to be left in Brooklyn with all the printing moved to Wallkill...or what is the printing left?
Millions for what..
For Millions and Millions in Rent do$$ars. Just think how much they will be able to rent those apartments for when "New Light" tells the GB that their is not enough brothers and sisters left in Brooklyn to fill the rooms and they rent them to the none faithful. Beside look at how close going door to door will be durning bad weather.
Or they got advertise to the older brother and sisters to come and live out the rest of their lifes at earthly Zion. All they have to do is sign over everything they own to the WTBTS.
watchtower dumbo plans released to brooklyn papers.
check out the four new towering apartment complexes brooklyn is getting ready to build on the dumbo property they own!.
Why would you build something to be completed in 2006 if the end is going to be in 2005?
my aunt just told me that there is new light in the july 15th watchtower study article.
she won't tell me what it is.
she said to look close and i would find it.
Thanks I did not realize that the WT rags were distributed early.
Triple A
my aunt just told me that there is new light in the july 15th watchtower study article.
she won't tell me what it is.
she said to look close and i would find it.
Perhaps I should be a little more specific. When does an issue of the WT come out to the congregation and than to the unsuspecting door? Since some have seen the July 15th issue and this is just June 18.
my aunt just told me that there is new light in the july 15th watchtower study article.
she won't tell me what it is.
she said to look close and i would find it.
When does an issue come out to the congregation and than to the unsuspecting door?
and this link proves it.......... http://www.skepticsannotatedbible.com/cruelty/long.html.
How can something be factual if based on a lie? If there is factual evidence why did they have to use an untruth to support their stand? But the truth here is that other site starts off with an untruth that it builds upon lie, which is not unlike what the WTB&TS does. It misuses scripture for its own benefit or twists it or changes it if they can not do one of the other. In the very first Watchtower, Russell states, that a truth said by Satan is still the truth (not an exact quote). That view has permeated the WTB&TS teaches ever since.
The lie is that there was no reason given for why God was displeased with Cain. The scriptures do tell you why. If you want to post the other scriptures we can look at those or give us a site that uses the scriptures properly.